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Home > Publications > Key alcohol publications >  Alcohol in Developing Societies; A public Health Approach

Alcohol in Developing Societies; A public Health Approach

The WHO sponsored book by Robin Room and an international group of scholars analyzes the many sides of the problem of alcohol with a focus on Africa, Latin America, Asia, Oceania and indigenous societies within developed countries.


According to the WHO the primary audience for which this book is written is those involved in dealing with alcohol problems in developing societies. This includes not only public health workers, law enforcement and public administration, but also policy-makers and concerned citizens.

Robin Room et al: Alcohol in Developing Societies: A Public Health Approach, Finnish Foundation for Alcohol Studies in collaboration with The World Health Organization. 2002. ISBN 92-4-159046-7.
The book may be ordered from the WHO bookshop.
The summary of this book is available on the WHO web site:


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